So, I haven't posted anything in awhile about Lyla's latest words, tricks and stunts. In case you've been wondering what she is up to, here is her latest.
Lyla loves saying "da da". She says it to Mark constantly. She also says it to Dahlia, waiters, doormen, complete strangers, and me. She has not said "ma ma" yet if you were wondering.
Lyla is obsessed with Oakley. We were teaching her to say "dog" when we were with Oakley, and at first it was "og", then "gog, and then "dog". But then, out of nowhere she started saying "o-gally" every time she saw Oakley and then whenever she saw any dog. Now, she also calls her little stuffed animal dog "o-gally" She will walk you over to it, point and say "o-gally".
Lyla still loves saying "hi" and "bye" to people, as well as saying "thanks" whenever you give her something or she gives you something. She says "ball," "book" and "backpack" (...too much Dora the Explorer).
Lyla is picking up speed. Her first few weeks of walking were wobbly, but she is finally getting her sea legs and staying pretty balanced. She can move pretty quick now without momentum toppling her forward. But when she really needs to motor, she still goes back to a spider crawl.
Lyla loves her dolls. Ever since my mom and Nana taught her to do "ah ah baby" with a doll, she has loved to rock her dolls to sleep. I often catch her hugging her dolls when she doesn't know that I am watching.
Lyla totally has Spring fever. She giggles and giggles when she is out in the fresh air. She got to walk on a sidewalk for the first time last week when we were visiting Phil, Marla and Brendan in Park Slope. And Dahlia tells me she likes to run in the middle of the little boys' ball playing in the park.
And then there are some of her less endearing habits and accomplishments that drive us nuts but we still think are totally adorable. Lyla has learned how to turn the tv on...then off, then on, then off, then get the idea. She loves to throw things out. We have to double check the garbage to make sure we aren't throwing out one of our blackberries or the remote control. She also likes to hide things -- Mark found a pacifier in his shoe this morning.
Love you Miss Lyla Grace!
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