We had fabulous weather over the July 4th weekend and squeezed in two beach days and one pool day before heading back to the hot and hazy city. Nothing too exciting to report. Lyla still loves the beach and the water and she still manages to get sand in her ears, eyelashes, eyebrows and nose...
My sweet little flower...right before she threw sand in my face.
The gang. Nicolas calls Lyla and Christopher his "two babies". The other day he said "This brother and this cousin love Nicolas."
My favorite sandy faces
What are you digging for in there?
Double trouble
When Mark and I decided to stay on the beach later than Dina and Rich, Nick and Lyla were absolutely devastated to be torn apart...only to have to wait until dinner that night to see each other :) Here is how the escapade of Lyla chasing after Nicolas played out:
Looking back longingly at Lyla
Lyla screams "Niiii" (translation: Nick)
She runs after him.
She dramatically falls in her pursuit.
After two days on the beach, everyone was sufficiently exhausted so we just hung out by the pool. Lyla and Oakley got a head start before we filled up the baby pool.
Lounging with Dad
Playing with Grandma
Doing tricks for Nana
Being silly with Aunt Dina
The "fort"
Happy 4th of July!
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