I should probably save this stuff up for a big "Lyla is two" post later this month(sniffle, sniffle), but here are five cute things Lyla is doing right now that I do not want to forget:
1. Her language is really coming along and she is starting to fill in her words. She used to say 'saur for dinosaur, now she can say the whole thing; ditto for Nic -- it's now Nicolas. But she still says "I you" for "I love you." And now when I say to her "I love you a lot", she says "I you wot too"
2. She confuses the adjectives "bright" and "hot". When I turn on the light in the morning, she stares directly at the light, points and says "hot, hot."
3. When I find her climbing on something or rifling through some cabinet she should not be in, I ask her "Lyla, what are you doing?" She says, "mommy, I'm tryin'". What can I say to that? Nice try, LG.
4. She can finally jump with two feet off the ground! She still practices a lot and says "higher, higher."
5. When she goes to class, all the kids sit in a circle and go around the room saying their names. If Lyla is not first in the circle, she stands up and says as loud as she can "WYWA"
Okay, one more because there is always something else I think is cute...
When Mark and I leave for work in the morning, she runs to the door and says "wait" and then tries to figure out something to show us so we won't leave just yet. It gets us every time.
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