The next leg of our Easter celebration was in Maryland. It was a particularly wonderful weekend spent with the Murphys because it was most likely our last time on St. Regis Way. Bammie and Pa are moving and will be in their new house by the Fall. We've shared so many amazing memories in that house and it was so special to spend one last weekend there together, celebrating our family. Bammie and Pa are of course what makes that house so special and I have no doubt that their new home will be just as warm, just as welcoming and just as wonderful.
Julia and Kelly also stayed over all weekend, which was just icing the cake. Lyla loves those girls.
She's also pretty darn crazy about this guy
Pa and all his girls
By the way, Lyla is going through this sticking her tongue out phase (just like her dad when he was a kid). So excuse all of the pictures that look like this:
Easter morning, Lyla went to church with Bammie, Pa and the girls while I went for a run and Mark caught up on some work. We sent them on their way and looked at each other like, good luck with that, but apparently she was pretty well-behaved the whole time.
Later that day, we checked off all the boxes on our Easter check list :)
Easter egg hunt...check (Kelly and I hid those eggs over and over and over)
Dying eggs...check
We also squeezed in some time for bubbles and watering plants.
We toasted to the old house and to Bammie.
It was a wonderful weekend, which always makes saying goodbye a little bit harder.
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