Lyla started preschool today. Last night, we packed her bag, picked out a dress to wear and talked about how much fun it would be to see her teachers and friends from camp. Today was pretty smooth sailing. Mark and I met Lyla and Dahlia outside of the school before class. She had a huge smile on her face. When we tried to take some photos she kept walking away and saying "I gotta go to school now." We waited in the lobby until they opened the doors. Lyla introduced herself to a little girl named Alex and told Alex that she liked her "pretty dress" and backpack. How cute is that? Bonding over clothes and accessories at the age of two. I love having a girl :). Once in the school, she marched right past us, said hello to Miss Yari and Miss Jessica and slipped right into the classroom.
I got a mixed report card at the end of the day. The teachers said Lyla did great. During dinner tonight, however, we were talking about the day and she said "I cried like this [pretending to cry] 'cause I missed mommy." But she also said she had fun playing with clocks and cookies. It's so much fun to recap her day. We can really converse now. She understands concepts and can respond appropriately to most of my basic questions. We can also reason with her a lot more, which just amazes. Our words now have the ability to change her behavior, rather than just distraction or redirection. Watching her grow never ceases to amaze me.
Just for fun (riding her bike on Saturday):
Love the first day of school. Our little girl is so grown up!