Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A Birthday Party!

Lyla was invited to her little friend Dahlia's birthday party last weekend at Hands On. Her and Dahlia take music class together at Hands On and have play dates a few times a week. It's kind of cute that she has a whole social life independent of me.

Miss Nicole started the party with her usual rendition of Old McDonald. Look at all the good little kids sitting in a circle. Where is Lyla? If you look closely, she is behind Nicole trying to break into the cabinet and steal the balls.

Caught in the act.

What did I do?

Despite her general misbehaving (I'll call it "curiosity"), she was adorable dancing to the music.

We did have a breakthrough at the end of the party. Lyla drank her very first juice box (or at least the half that she didn't squeeze out onto my shirt).

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