It seems like overnight Lyla became a big girl. She is chatting up a storm, usually telling me what to do and exactly what she wants. She points to what she wants and if I don't get the point she pushes me over to whatever she is looking for. Her vocabulary is growing leaps and bounds by the day. She will basically repeat anything I say, but her favorite words are "hi", "bye", "no", "nana" (for banana), "shoes", "open" and "baby". We taught her a bunch of fun words too -- "uh oh", "ta da" (as she lifts her arms up), "nah" (as she shakes her head) and "knock knock" (while knocking on her head).
She is imitating a lot more now too. She will follow me when I lift up my arms or touch my nose and she tries to follow the dance moves on her cartoons. She can kind of do "itsy bitsy spider" and "wind, wind sugar baby" but her favorite part is when we clap for her at the end. She is doing great sorting shapes and stacking blocks and is starting to separate different toys into similar groups.
Lyla is shaping up to be a pretty good eater and has a big buddha belly to prove it. She is definitely a carnivore. Her favorite food is meatballs, followed a close second by turkey meatballs :) She also loves pizza with chicken and broccoli. She is doing great with a straw cup, but still has a few bottles a day. And we still have not gotten rid of the paci...
Lyla has three teeth and a fourth that is about to break through. Her hair is coming in a lot more now and she has the cutest bed head in the morning! She is sleeping great -- still from 8pm to about 7am, but unfortunately inching towards an earlier wake up call. Her naps have gotten much more regular and she usually takes a good two hour nap right after lunch. But when she is with her daddy, she loves to take an early morning snooze right on his shoulder.
We changed pediatricians and are waiting for her medical records to be transferred, so no official stats on height and weight yet, but my guess is that her weight has outpaced her height for the past few months...too many meatballs, I guess.
She is just stunningly beautiful, and photogenic.