Monday, June 7, 2010

Jen & Scott's BBQ

We went to Jen and Scott's house in Westport on Sunday for a barbeque, to see their new house and to meet Madeleine! They have an amazing house on over an acre of land in a beautiful neighborhood. It was a full on baby fest -- everyone at the bbq had at least one kid in tow, most of them younger than Lyla.

It was a great chance to catch up with friends we see way to rarely and for the kids to get a chance to play. Lyla had fun playing with Kaia. Kaia is such a sweet and happy little cutie.

Kaia and Liz

Bashful Lyla

Lounging Lyla

Baby Madeleine and Jen

Catching up

Lyla climbed up on the lounge chair and stole Dan's cupcake.

A cupcake that she fully enjoyed.

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