We finished off our trip to Maryland with a visit to the Baltimore aquarium with Bammie, Pa, Julia and Kelly (who stayed over the night before and entertained Lyla while Mark and I were at the Inc. dinner).
Mark was so excited to show Lyla the sharks.
Lyla wasn't so sure at first. It was another one of those days where her death grip took hold.
A little Nemo...
...to match my little Nemo
This grumpy fish swam right over to me and looked like he was yelling at me.
Beautiful fish
Watching the fish whiz by with her big cousins
At just about this point of the day, Lyla decided to be a grump...
...just in time for the dolphin show.
Ms. Cranky Pants insisted on sitting alone.
The dolphins were amazing.
Even Lyla appreciated the tricks.
We checked out the creepy yet cool jellyfish exhibit.
Bammie managed to get a few giggles out of her at the end of a long day.
Thanks for a great visit Bammie and Pa (I don't know what's with the weird face she is making with her mouth)
I feel like I end every post with Lyla passing out...but she was literally asleep by the time we got out of the parking garage. A nice 3 hour nap for a 4 hour car ride...thank you Lyla.
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