Thursday, October 21, 2010

LB Fall Fest

A couple of weeks ago was my favorite LB day of the year -- the Fall Fest! It seems like we always get unseasonably warm weather that weekend and this year was no exception.  Lyla had a great day, but she definitely has very strong opinions on what she liked and did not like about this year's Fall Fest.

She liked being a butterfly. I gave her the choice of a butterfly or a doggie.  Without hesitation, she chose "'fly".

She loved dressing up, but did not like being unable to reach her wings.  She went round and round in circles trying to reach those things.  Oh and the headband -- that first picture is pretty much all we got before she yanked that thing off her head.

She liked hanging out with Oakley in her costume.

She was unsure about the merry-go-round, but Mark managed to get a few smiles.  And she just stared at the horsies when she had to get off.

She was sad we only got to see Frankie and Gretchen for a few minutes.

She liked picking her own pumpkin.

But definitely was not into the petting zoo (those ducks were agressive!)

She loved the big tortoise.

But most of all, she loved hanging with her cousins. She loved running wild with Nicolas.

She just loved Nicolas being there. Period.

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