After leaving the comfortable confines of Miami University, we headed out to see Sean and Sara Madigan, Mark's friends from college and their cuties, Erin and Drew. They invited us to stay over on Friday night before continuing on to Youngstown. This may not sound like such a big deal but Sara was 9+ months pregnant when they extended the invitation. When I was five days from giving birth, I was not feeling that hospitable. And I literally mean five days -- Sara gave birth to sweet baby Kyle yesterday (right in between turns on our game of Words With Friends). Seriously, she is a rock star in my book.
I think Lyla's eyes almost popped out of her head when she saw the toy room in their basement. It definitely beats her single toy chest and barrel of stuffed animals.
Lyla quickly joined in the kids' anticipation for the new baby's arrival. She crawled right into the baby swing.
We went out to dinner at a hibachi restaurant, where Todd joined us as well.
The girls played on their respectice iphones.
And Lyla and Drew swapped a few kisses. They are only a month apart...maybe they will kiss under the Upham Arches and have a Miami Merger (Mark, did I get that right?)
Cute daddies after dinner:
After dinner, Todd treated us for ice cream. Erin got a cone, and then Drew wanted a cone and then, you guessed it, Lyla wanted a cone.
Thank you Madigans! You are welcome to stay with us in our 1 1/2 bedroom apartment anytime!
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