Lyla enjoyed the beach so much on Saturday, we took her back the very next day! She was once again all smiles and loved the feeling of sand in between her toes (getting all that sand off of her was another story).
Dina, Rich and Nicolas joined us and left Christopher at home with my mom. He is still too little for the beach.
Nicolas loved going up the "mountain" (aka the lifeguard stand) and tried to make friends. Nicolas was struggling a little bit to get to the top and an older girl turned around and held her hand out for Nicolas to grab onto. It was one of the sweetest things I have ever seen.
While that was a sweet moment, Nic is still learning that literally chasing a girl is not the fastest way to her heart. He chased this little girl all the way to the back of the beach and then back to the lifeguard stand so that the moms could intervene.
Trying to get involved in the baseball game with the "big boys." Dina had to pull him out of the game...repeatedly.
It was a great beach day and for once there was no rain to interrupt the day! The beach tired us all out so ,we went home, napped, and headed to Peter's Clam Bar for dinner!
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