Last weekend we went to Long Beach for the annual Fall Festival. It is my favorite event of the year and we are always lucky to get beautiful weather. This year was no exception. I was really excited to put Lyla in her first of three costumes -- a little ladybug.
Hanging out with her "little" cousin before dressing up.
She is the best and just goes along with whatever her crazy mother has planned. When we first put her down on the grass, we weren't sure if she could keep herself upright. Her big bubble bottom was getting in her way.
We think Nicolas actually thought she was in fact a ladybug and not Lyla Grace.
Nicolas was a dinosaur (holding a lobster...) and Chrissy was a monkey.
Our attempt at a group shot of the kids.
A "behind the scenes" shot of my crazy family all competing for the best shot.
At one point, Nic said "I'm going to the beach."
A sleepy ladybug
At the festival, our first stop -- the food tent for "grownups". Mark and I did a very fast wine tasting -- $5 for 20 wines! And then we scarfed down chili and sliders so we could go play with the kids. Nicolas got to go for a ride on a fire truck and went to the petting zoo. Apparently the "10 minute limit" didn't apply to Nicolas. We couldn't get him out! He loved all the animals. "That's a chicken." "That's a goat." "That's a turtle." When we asked him which was his favorite animal, he said the cow (there was no cow). Lyla and I held a snake -- but didn't get any pictures on my camera. If Dina sends me her pictures I will post an update showing that Lyla and I had a boa around our necks!
He thought the fire truck was really cool.
Lyla and Nicolas both went on the carousel, which was about as fast as a gravitron (for those that don't know what the gravitron is, its fast...) I was holding on to Lyla for dear life so she didn't slip off that horse.
What a great week end. Beautiful weather, fun, children and family. So happy for all of you.