So, we don't have much to report around here because Lyla has been sick, basically on and off since Christmas. She just can't shake these darn ear infections. She is on her third antibiotic and if this one doesn't clear everything up we will go see an ENT to see what we can do to help her. All in all though, she been in a pretty good mood. Sleeping great (lucky us), but not eating great and a little clingy. Even her "teachers", who think she is the happiest kid in the world, have noticed that she is just not herself. Not boogying with as much enthusiasm as usual. So we've just been laying low and trying to keep her happy. Yesterday was so beautiful in the city, we went for a nice long walk with a little shopping in between and ended with some playtime at Playgarden (her leopard shirt was a big hit :).
Lyla has taken a liking to napping on the couch. This is nap #3 of the day.
My arsenal of meds for her.
Sometimes keeping her happy when she's sick just means letting her do whatever she wants to do. Case in point -- emptying the kitchen cabinets wearing nothing but a diaper, but doing it with a big grin on her face.
I love the new blog format! Our little lady looks even cuter with the enlarged if she could only shake the ear infections.