My baby girl is 1 1/2 years old! In case she is ever wondering what she was like, here it goes:
Lyla, you are a very happy, very funny little girl who knows just how to wiggle deeper into your heart when you need it most. You just started giving big kisses right on the mouth (closed-mouth kisses finally...) and you are known to plant one that lasts about 15 seconds! There is really nothing better in the world than a kiss from you, Miss Lyla Grace.
You are pretty darn good at communicating what you want. You say just about everything we say (even some words we wish you didn't repeat...). If you can't tell me what you want, you will take my hand and show me. Your vocabulary amazes me. You hear a word just a couple of times, make the association and never forget it. Today you were showing me an "ephant" (elephant) and "ocpus" (octopus). And I think you said "I uv you" tonight when we were putting you to bed (clarify -- when you walked over to your crib and told me you wanted to go to bed).
You love your family. You scream "yay" when we pull up to Grandma and Papa's house and you run to Oakley as soon as we walk in the door. Your eyes light up when you see your cousins and you love to kiss their pictures in photo albums.
You love life. You are up for every adventure, from running down to the garbage room with Dad to going down the water slide in the pool. You still love saying hi and bye to everyone around you, even if they don't reciprocate. You must examine everything within arm's reach and often exclaim "cool" when you are getting a close look. Grandma says you have a
joie de vivre and I couldn't agree more
. I'm just thrilled I get to go along for the ride.
You are brave. You approach everything with a "Yes I Can" attitude, whether it is swimming in the pool, approaching the big kids in the park or figuring out how to open the bedroom door.
You love wearing shoes and bracelets. You are intrigued by bows and think you look very pretty when they are in your hair but just can't resist pulling them out. You are very particular about which shoes you want to wear. Forgive me if I put your crocs on when you are in the mood for your rain boots. But you also love your "voom vooms" (cars) and "choo choos" (with the accompanying arm motions and sometimes preceded by a "chugga chugga").
You really couldn't care less about eating unless the food in front of you is round and resembles a "coo-kee". You definitely have a sweet tooth. Other favorites are pizza, pasta and, ye old faithful, meatballs.
You still go to sleep at 8pm, but wake up before 7 (ugh) and then snuggle in bed with us. You try to get as close to me as humanly possible, which usually means a knee planted firmly in my windpipe and your cute little tummy across my face. We taught you to do "nice" with Oakley, but you've been doing it to me in the morning. Thanks for that. But if I get annoyed, that annoyance disappears immediately when I open my eyes and there you are saying "Hi Mama."
You have redecorated our apartment in many ways. And by redecorate, I mean you think the toothpaste belongs in the living room, your dolls belong in our bathtub and my jewelry belongs in your crayon box. And let's not talk about the unaccounted for bottle of hand wash that has been missing since Monday.
In short, Lyla, you are one pretty remarkable little girl. Don't ever forget that.