Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Bethany Beach -- Part 1

We are still recovering from a fab week in Bethany with Mark's family. The Murphys have been going for many years but it is very rare for all the Pedro girls and their families to be ready, willing and able to go the same week. And the best part is that they are all beach people -- we went to the beach every single day! Honestly, what would I have done if I married into a family that hated the beach?? I can't even imagine.
We had great weather most days. The only complaint was that the waves were pretty flat.

Lyla finding a way to cool off.

Napping with Bam

Nikki found the best spot on the beach -- right at the shore.

JoAnne and Kristen

My favorite girls

Lyla walked over to Kristen, plopped herself down and played. So cute.

Love these boys

Cute stuff

Lyla liked the boys' shovels that were bigger than her. Bam wasn't so crazy about the skull and crossbones on Lyla's rash guard.

Itsy Bitsy Spider with Vincent. He was fantastic with Lyla. Such a sweetie.

Here is Lyla getting some air with her daddy. And he only dropped her once...just kidding.

Waves for everyone

Little surfer girl Kelly

Love her!

Me and Lyla

Making a break for it

We had one late afternoon on the beach that was absolutely breathtaking. Lyla fell asleep to the crash of the waves and the sun was just sparkling. Amazing.

The weather was iffy on our last day, but we still managed to squeeze in a little beach time.

Is it or isn't it?

Here we are hiding under the umbrellas once the rain started to come down.

And the boys decided they were wet already so they might as well go swimming (until the thunder claps forced them out).

Lyla held onto her shovel the whole time.

More pics to come on our summer nights and side trip to OC!

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