Monday, September 13, 2010

One Last Summer Post

So, I definitely am not done with summer yet, since I keep going back to beach pictures and trying to find the perfect coconut body lotion to keep smelling summer-ey and sunscreened. In the spirit of holding on to summer, here are some perfect and not so perfect pictures from Labor Day Weekend.

We tried to get a good family shot, but Lyla wasn't cooperating (no real surprise there). Dina just kept shooting and shooting, hoping that one of them would come out with three smiling faces looking at the camera.
We did manage to get a few cute ones and when Lyla wouldn't cooperate, we just flipped her upside down, which I knew would bring the giggles out. It turned out to be one of my favorite pictures.

And then she wanted down.

Getting a good picture of all three cousins this summer has been like searching for the perfect wave ... elusive. But it just about happened on Saturday! Chrissy was sitting on this little sand pile we built, smiling away. I put Lyla right next him, and she also sat still, smiled and gave her best "cheese".

We scrambled to find Nicolas to put him next to the other two. See me in the back stealing him from whatever he was doing at the shore.

And he also sat still for a bunch of shots. It was like their gift to us for the summer!

I got a few more great pictures the next day of Lyla and her new besties, Elle and Frankie, running into a chilly Labor Day ocean.

A great way to end the summer!

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