Lyla fell out of her crib on Saturday night. She's had a rough week in the sleep department and Saturday was a particularly bad night. She was waking up every hour or so, crying for about five minutes and then falling back to sleep. Around four-ish, I heard a muffled thump. When I looked at the video monitor, she was nowhere to be found in her crib. I turned over to Mark and said "I think Lyla just fell out of the crib." He hopped up and ran over to her room. As he was walking into her room, she was walking out, looking dazed and confused. She's a pretty tough cookie though, and just cried for a minute or so before falling back asleep in our bed. We squeezed her arms and legs to she if she was hurt but she seemed to be just fine. In the morning, however, we noticed dried blood around her nose, which was a little swollen and bruised (you can kind of see it in the photo).
I had a feeling this could happen pretty soon because I've seen her try to throw one leg over the side of the crib. Now the question is what to do about it. The options seem to be (1) toddler bed, (2) crib tent or (3) hope she learned her lesson. A toddler bed raises a whole host of safety hazards in our apartment and a crib tent just seems like a cage to me. So, we're hoping she's a smart kid and will realize that falling on your face is no fun. Oh, and we'll throw some pillows on the floor in case she's not as smart as we hope she is.
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