Friday, November 12, 2010

Visiting Brendan and Kelsey

Staying in touch is hard.  Even when it is with people who you love and care about.  Case in point: Marla and Phil.  We hadn't seen them since before their beautiful daughter was born in the Spring and it was getting a bit ridiculous and, quite frankly, embarrassing for us.  So I reached out to Marla to make plans and this conversation ensued (paraphrased, of course)):

Me:  We miss you.  Let's get together.

Marla:  We miss you too.  And, oh yeah, we MOVED to another State!  How are you?

Me:  What!?  You moved?!  We are good.  And, oh yeah, I changed careers over the summer!

Sad, isn't it?  Luckily, we were all free that weekend, so we journeyed to their new state (just to New Jersey...) for a wonderful and long overdue visit. They have an amazing old house with gorgeous stain-glassed windows and even a secret passageway!

How could we go so long without seeing these adorable faces?

Lyla loved Kelsey. But she has a hard time controlling her love sometimes. At one point, she shoved a chip with hummus right into Kelsey's mouth (Kelsey isn't eating solids yet...sorry about that, Marla)

She loved Brendan too. Marla says it was Brendan's first kiss. I wish I could say the same for Lyla and her loose lips.

Marla and her babies.

Showing off their bellies.

Playing catch with Phil (outfit change after Lyla squirted a juice box all over her sweater)

Thanks for having us, Phil and Marla!

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