Whenever we arrive at Bammie and Pa's house, we immediately feel like we are home. The house always looks beautiful and chances are there is something yummy to eat waiting for us inside. How great is it to come home to this:
On Christmas Eve morning, Lyla got to open a couple of presents while Mark and I went for a quick run to counter some of the French Toast we knew was coming down the pike. Lyla hung out in her pajamas all day. Love that bedhead.
We eventually got dressed and headed out to Laurie and Sean's house for Christmas Eve dinner.
Mark and I were laughing at this picture last night. He was making a funny face, so we cropped him out, but now it looks like Lyla has a GIANT hand...
When Laurie let the dogs in, Lyla was in heaven. They knocked her over and whipped her with their tails, but she loved it.
She also showed us how she can swim (this is the breast stroke, I think...)
Laurie and the girls got Lyla a Juicy doll stroller. OMG. Love it.
Lyla loves these girls so much.
Great photos, Laura. Your sweet Lyla is as photogenic as you and Mark!! What a baby doll she is. This was a very special Christmas with Miss Lyla Grace!
Bammie and Pa