My little lady is 2 1/2 today. The whole eastern seaboard shook in her honor. The earthquake had a profound effect on Lyla -- the Imagination Playground closed its doors for nearly two hours, forcing Lyla to go on the new neighborhood carousel about a dozen times. In addition to a few tremors, we celebrated Lyla's half birthday with a cupcake in Daddy's office and some serious dressing up in princess dresses.
We are having so much fun with Lyla lately. She loves to say "oh my gosh" all the time. I can't even capture it in words -- I have to get a video. She sucks in her breath and has this shocked look on her face and says "oh my gaaawwwwsh".
Lyla follows me around the house and says "mom, whatcha doin'?". But she says it every two seconds. The other night:
Lyla: "mom, whatcha doin'?".
Me: I'm making dinner.
Lyla: "mom, whatcha doin'?".
Me: I'm still making dinner
Lyla: "mom, whatcha doin'?".
Me: Now, I'm opening the fridge.
You get the point. It sounds annoying as I put it into words, but right now I think it is so cute. Ask me again in a week.
She is still a narrator of her every move, but now she also likes to give me a brief synopsis of whatever book, tv show or movie she is into. Beauty and the Beast is the movie du jour. About 10 times a day I hear her say something like "Papa lost his horse and Belle found it and the Beast was mad and they danced."
Everyday brings something new and something that brightens my day. I saw a quote recently that sums up our life with Lyla -- "So many of my smiles begin with you."
Happy Half Birthday, LG.
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