Lyla finished camp this week. When I told Mark that it was the last day of camp, he said "Already? Didn't she just start?" And the answer is yes, sort of. It was only a three week camp at the Barclay Street School, where she will go in September. Parents stay at camp in the hopes that it will make the transition to school easier in the Fall.
She actually made a lot of progress in three short weeks. On the first day, she refused to sit in a circle with the other children and cried practically the whole morning. On the last day, she hardly looked back at me as she thrust her hand in the air during roll call, sang "itsy bitsy spider" in music and washed her hands before snack time. In three short weeks, she discovered that she loves to drink water and only wants to drink it out of a regular cup. She remembers all seven of her classmates and comes home telling me silly things that they did.
She really dislikes circle time and usually hangs out in the vicinity of the circle without actually joining the circle. On the last day, she did agree to sit in a circle, but only after she carried a chair to sit in while everyone else sat on the floor.
I love that she talks about it at home. She asks me when she is going back to school -- sometimes she wants to go back at that moment. When we walked past the school on our way to the park the other night, she said "Hey, that's my school."
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