We took Lyla to the Brooklyn Children's Museum what seems like a lifetime ago. It was really interactive, mellow and not crowded at all by NYC standards. In other words, perfect.
We got to see Elizabeth, the Iguana, and sadly, just a few days later, we learned that it died (and that it was relatively famous during its lifetime).
Both of our jaws dropped when we saw this python at the museum.
I took Lyla to the Brooklyn zoo and a freezing but beautiful day and we forgot we were in the city for an afternoon.
Lyla was scared of this guy.
Lyla was promoted in ballet from Tutu Tots to Kindi Ballet. She is pumped about it.
I finally figured out how Lyla climbs into her crib. Luckily, she still has no interest in climbing out. Most kids her age are already in beds, but the girl loves her crib and I'll keep her in that thing until she is 16 if she doesn't object.
They were filming the new Batman movie down the block from our apartment. Gotham police were swarming everywhere. No Christian Bale sighting, unfortunately.
Lyla got bangs! They looked so cute when we left the salon (do you call a kids' haircut place a salon?). Her hair is so wavy sometimes she has those weird looking half bangs that end halfway down her forehead. But she's still the cutest thing I've ever seen.
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