Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Lyla Grace is Seven Months Old!

Lyla Grace is seven months old today and she just keeps getting cuter and more fun. She is sitting up like a champ and slowly starting to crawl. Right now, it is mostly backwards, but nonetheless, she manages to get where she wants through a combination of creeping, rolling and pushing. She loves to play and loves her new "sitting up" toys from Grandma. She can stand while holding her exersaucer and can get around pretty well in a walker. Her biggest giggles come when we lift her in the air and swing her around. She adores her cousins and loves playing with the big kids. Lyla lights up when she hears music. We sing to her constantly and she shows us her big toothless smile when she recognizes the song. Her favorite songs are Open Shut Them, Old McDonald, Hickory Dickory Dock and Bushel and a Peck. She's trying to do clap hands but right now she kind of just shakes her hands when we start to clap. Lyla is a great eater so far. She loves her fruits and veggies (with the exception of green beans) and loves to try mommy's snacks. She also thinks books, remote controls and phones taste delicious. Her eyes seem to be getting bluer and more beautiful and her little blonde fuzz is growing longer. There may be enough soon to hold a bow, but that may just be wishful thinking on my part. We love you Lyla Bell!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy, happy 7 months Dearest Lyla Grace. You are cuter and cuter with every photo(IF THAT IS POSSIBLE!)

    We hope to see you in person soon!

    All our love,
    Bammie and Pa
