On Sunday, we had a little family get together to celebrate Lyla's first birthday. She had such a great time playing with all her cousins (both sides!) and being passed around to her grandparents, aunts and uncles. We had the party at a local restaurant that just opened, the Open Door Gastropub, and it really turned out great. We had the big back room so the kids could run around and it was jut a nice, relaxing afternoon surrounded by the most important people in Lyla's life.
Our theme was "cupcake" because, naturally, Lyla is our sweet little cupcake and our color pallete was orange and pink. It turned out great and -- coincidentally, of course ;) -- the party room had orange and pink walls!
Even Lyla and I coordinated for the party
Lyla, Mommy and Daddy
Lyla with Grandma and Papa
Lyla with Bammie and Pa
She loved the balloons...but not as much as she loves Pa
Lyla and Aunt Laurie
We were so honored that Mark's entire family made the long trip to celebrate with Lyla
Me and all my favorite girls
This is her serious look (hard to take her serious with an "I'm 1" button)
Lyla had a ball playing with all her big cousins.
She loves her "little" cousin too
This is typical when we try to take a picture of them...looking in completely opposite directions
She had such a hard time crawling in her big puffy party dress. But Dennis and Nicolas tried to show her how to do it
Here's a great picture of Aunt Dina and Aunt Shushi
...but here's the even better behind-the-scenes shot :)
Cake time!
She was NOT interested in her birthday crown.
But was interested in a birthday cupcake
And, the aftermath. A room full of new toys, a baby wired on sugar and a passed out husband. What a day!
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