Lyla had a super high octane Valentine's Day thanks to Hersheys. We spent the morning making Valentines and chocolate covered strawberries. We gave her her very first square of Hersheys dark chocolate and -- surprise, surprise -- she loved it. Cue the cute pictures of the messy baby...
The finished product
After our craft time was over, it looked like she was getting sleepy so Mark agreed to take her and try to get her to nap while I ran some errands (my first trip to Target in Brooklyn!). I got back a couple of hours later to find out that she had not slept a wink. Not only that, she was in overdrive from the sugar! She was jumping, dancing, screaming and crawling so fast she was falling over herself. Mark and I looked at each other and wondered whether our reservations for Valentine's dinner for three at a fancy restaurant were down the tubes.
We decided to go and hope for the best but expect the worst. We walked into Delmonico's and the restaurant was packed with tables for two. The hostesses took one look at our party of three and began plotting the best way to handle us. They told us they had a lovely table for us "in the back." They brought us to the back room of the restaurant, which was totally empty except for us. It worked out great -- Lyla was a doll, our waiter adored her, and our food was yummy. We sure do have one sweet Valentine.
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